UPDATE: 7:13 p.m. PT, 3/27/16
Following this Sunday’s episode of “The Walking Dead,” AMC has officially released the trailer featuring shots of Negan.
UPDATE: 8:40 a.m. PT, 3/25/16
The trailer has been pulled offline, but screenshots are available below.
In a new trailer for the season finale of “The Walking Dead,” fans finally get a look at new villain Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan).
Granted, it is an incredibly brief look.
A trailer released by AMC shows a shot of the character’s back dressed in his trademark leather jacket. We also see Lucille, the baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire that the character is fond of using to kill people. It closes with him saying, “Hi. I’m Negan.”
Fans have been awaiting their first look at Negan since Morgan was cast back in November. The character is known for his foul mouth and his penchant for committing horrible acts of violence against anyone who would dare oppose him.
He rules with an iron fist and directs his group to extort food and supplies from other groups. He and The Saviors claim they offer protection from walkers, but all they really do is take by force.
The season finale of “The Walking Dead” airs April 3 on AMC at 9 p.m./8c.
Check out some screengrabs of Negan below