‘The Simpsons’ Intro Gets Pixelated in Fan-Made Video

Pixel artists Paul Robertson and Ivan Dixon reimagine the sights and sounds of the classic intro, including a very surreal couch gag

Over the years, fans have seen “The Simpsons” in virtually every artistic style imaginable. But two fans took it to a whole new level by kicking it old-school video-game style with a pixel-art take on the entire intro of the Fox animated series.

Not content to just create a couch gag as many artists have done, Paul Robertson and Ivan Dixon recreated the intro from beginning to end, throwing in a very surreal couch gag that reminded us of classically strange 16-bit video-game animated sequences.

From Bart writing “Pixel Art Is Not Real Art” on the chalkboard to Apu ringing up coins, jewels and mushrooms at the checkout, there were so many little details for fans to look at throughout the video.

The project was clearly a labor of love for Robertson and Dixon, even the music was remastered and recreated in the classic style of old video games.

And even though the short video was uploaded on February 1, opposite the most-watched television event of all time, it’s still managed to rack up nearly half-a-million views at the time of this writing, as well as being one of the top trends on Facebook.

With that much love and attention already, how long before Fox notices it and invites them to create a pixel-art couch gag — or an entire intro sequence — for the real thing?

Watch the “Simpsons Pixels” intro video here.

“The Simpsons” airs Sundays at 8 p.m. ET on Fox.
