‘The Shield’ Actor Michael Jace Says He Only Wanted to Wound His Wife, Not Kill Her

Jurors in murder trial hear transcript of actor’s interview with investigators

Michael Jace April Jace
Getty Images

Michael Jace didn’t want to kill his wife; he just wanted to wound her a little.

At least, that’s what the former actor from “The Shield” told detectives shortly after his wife, April Jace, died.

Jace’s murder trial continued in Los Angeles on Thursday, with jurors hearing a transcript of his interview with detectives, CBS News reports.

According to the transcript, Jace said that he only intended to shoot her in the leg.

Prosecutors say that April was shot three times on the day she died, twice in the legs and once in the back.

The transcript also indicated that Jace wasn’t aware that his wife was dead when he spoke with detectives.

The 53-year-old actor told police that he initially intended to take his own life with the gun, but ultimately couldn’t muster up the courage and decided to take aim at his wife.

“I was just angry,” Jace said. “All I intended to do was shoot her in the leg. And then I shot her in the leg and that was it.”

The actor himself will not be taking the stand during the trial.

Jace was charged with murder in May 2014. He was arrested after calling the police to report that he had shot his wife. Police arrived to find the body of April Jace. Her husband has pleaded not guilty.

The actor’s lawyer says that his client takes responsibility for the fatal shooting, but that his state of mind at the time will factor heavily into his defense.

On Wednesday, the actor’s son, Nehemiah Jace, 10, said that he saw his father pull April Jace into a hallway, and then heard his father tell her, “If you like running, then run to heaven,” the Associated Press reports.

“Then he shot her,” the boy continued.

Jace faces 50 years to life if convicted.
