HBO released the trailer for its Joss Whedon-created drama series “The Nevers” on Tuesday, featuring stars Laura Donnelly and Ann Skelly as the leaders of a group of “touched” people in Victorian England who are feared by those without their abnormal gifts.
In the video, which you can view above, the mysterious Amalia True (Donnelly) and Penance Adair (Skelly) band together to protect their fellow supernatural people from those threatened by them. This includes the local authorities, who say they want “the wicked punished and the good protected” — but have a skewed idea of who is who.
Per HBO, “In the last years of Victoria’s reign, London is beset by the ‘Touched’: people – mostly women – who suddenly manifest abnormal abilities – some charming, some very disturbing. Among them are Amalia True (Donnelly), a mysterious, quick-fisted widow, and Penance Adair (Skelly), a brilliant young inventor. They are the champions of this new underclass, making a home for the Touched, while fighting the forces of… well, pretty much all the forces – to make room for those whom history as we know it has no place.”
Along with Donnelly and Skelly, “The Nevers” stars Olivia Williams, James Norton, Tom Riley, Rochelle Neil, Eleanor Tomlinson, Amy Manson, Pip Torrens, Denis O’Hare, Zackary Momoh, Elizabeth Berrington, Kiran Sawar, Anna Devlin, Viola Prettejohn, Ella Smith, Nick Frost and Ben Chaplin.
The series is created and executive produced by “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” mastermind Whedon, who exited the show on Nov. 25 but retains his credits. Whedon left “The Nevers” just before HBO parent company WarnerMedia announced it had concluded its investigation into accusations made by actor Ray Fisher about Whedon’s behavior when he directed the reshoots on the Warner Bros. film “Justice League” in 2017.
Amid claims of abusive “hostile and toxic” behavior made by “Buffy” and “Angel” alums last month, HBO and HBO Max chief content officer Casey Bloys told TheWrap “no complaints” were made about Whedon before he left “The Nevers.”
Executive producers who remain involved with the series include Bernadette Caulfield, Ilene S. Landress, Doug Petrie, Jane Espenson and Philippa Goslett, who was named Whedon’s replacement as showrunner.
Originally given a 10-episode straight-to-series order from HBO in 2018, the first season of “The Nevers” is now being split up into two parts due to COVID-related production delays, with the first six episodes airing this spring.
No debut date has been set for the second batch of “The Nevers” Season 1 episodes, which are in the works right now, but they are unlikely to air this year. Though no episode count has been given yet, an individual with knowledge tells TheWrap that Part 2 will probably be more than four episodes, even though the initial Season 1 order was for 10 total.
“The Nevers” premieres April 11 on HBO and will be available for streaming on HBO Max.