The next installment in the Skywalker Saga “The Last Jedi” will be the longest “Star Wars” movie ever, said director Rian Johnson.
Speaking at a press conference promoting the film in France (via IGN France), Johnson confirmed that film runs for 2 hours and 30 minutes including credits. That makes “The Last Jedi” the longest movie of the franchise yet narrowly beating out “Episode II — Attack of the Clones,” which ran for 142 minutes.
Earlier this month, Disney Chairman and CEO Bob Iger announced today during the company’s quarterly earnings call that Johnson will create a new trilogy set in the “Star Wars” universe.
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The new trilogy will be separate from the main Skywalker saga and, according to a Disney press release, the film will “introduce new characters from a corner of the galaxy that Star Wars lore has never before explored.”
Johnson is set to write and direct the first film in the new trilogy with longtime collaborator Ram Bergman onboard to produce.
“We all loved working with Rian on The Last Jedi,” said Lucasfilm Kathleen Kennedy in a statement. “He’s a creative force, and watching him craft The Last Jedi from start to finish was one of the great joys of my career. Rian will do amazing things with the blank canvas of this new trilogy.”
Johnson’s upcoming “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” arrives in U.S. theaters on Dec. 15, 2017.
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