HBO and Max released the trailer for “The Jinx – Part Two,” a new six-episode continuation of “The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst,” on Wednesday.
The extension series will debut Sunday, April 21, at 10 p.m. ET/PT on HBO followed by new episodes rolling out weekly on Sundays. It will also be available to stream on Max.
The original installment, “The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst” from director Andrew Jarecki, arrived in 2015.
“As ‘The Jinx’ aired, Bob and I spoke after every episode,” New York Times journalist Charles Bagli says in the beginning of the trailer. “He was very nervous, and I thought to myself, ‘He’s gonna run.’”
District Attorney John Lewin echoes Bagli’s thoughts, saying, “Bob was gonna flee the country, never to return,” as a map of Cuba is displayed. “Of course, that didn’t happen.”
Hours before the final episode of the first series aired, Durst was arrested for the murder of his longtime friend Susan Berman in Los Angeles. “Part Two” chronicles the next eight years of the investigation as Durst sat trial and revealed new information as the case unfolded.
A voicemail from Durst saying he was arrested makes way for Lisa DePaulo and Douglas Oliver to weigh in on Durst’s expectations of “blind loyalty” from his friends while he was behind bars.
“You should expect to get a call from the DA wanting to talk to you,” Durst says over the phone. “But you don’t tell them s–t.”
Lewin reflects on the real estate heir’s wealth as the motivation for such loyalty. “Turns out, when you have a whole lot of money, people are willing to do things for you because they think some of that money might go their way,” he says.
The extension episodes will include interviews with Durst associates who have never before come forward, phone calls Durst made to his friends, family and lawyers and footage from the interrogation room where he was interviewed by prosecutors after his arrest.
“You don’t kill three people over 30 years and get away with it in a vacuum,” Jarecki says towards the end of the trailer.
In addition to Lewin, Deputy District Attorneys of Los Angeles Habib Balian, Durst’s defense team led by Dick DeGuerin, and celebrity lawyer David Chesnoff will also feature in the docuseries. Bagli, who covered Durst for the New York Times, and DiPaulo, who reported on Berman’s murder for New York Magazine, as well as Judge Susan Criss, who presided over the Galveston murder trial, and Judge Mark Windham, who presided over the Berman murder trial, will also appear. The episodes will also feature jury members and friends and associates of Durst and of his victims Berman and first wife, Kathie Durst.
Durst himself remarks that he is “getting his own 15 minutes [of fame], and it is gargantuan.”
Watch the full trailer below: