“The Invitation,” a gothic horror film from Sony’s Screen Gems, made $775,000 at the box office in its Thursday night preview screenings from 2,739 locations and showings that started at 4 p.m. The film opens on more than 3,000 screens this weekend.
“The Invitation” opens in a quiet week at the end of the summer and is projected for a $6 million-$7 million opening against a $10 million budget. It also opens against “Three Thousand Years of Longing,” the latest film from “Mad Max” filmmaker George Miller starring Idris Elba and Tilda Swinton.
For some comparisons, Screen Gems’ “Don’t Breathe 2,” which opened last August, made $965,000 in its Thursday previews starting at 7 p.m. and went on to just shy of an $11 million opening weekend. “Escape Room: Tournament of Champions” made $8.8 million in its opening after getting a $1.2 million start in its Thursday previews.
“The Invitation” stars Nathalie Emmanuel and shows how after the death of her mother, she takes a DNA test and discovers a long-lost cousin she never knew she had. Invited by her newfound family to a lavish wedding in the English countryside, she’s at first seduced by the sexy aristocrat host but is soon thrust into a nightmare of survival as she uncovers twisted secrets in her family’s history and the unsettling intentions behind their sinful generosity.
“The Invitation” was directed by Jessica M. Thompson and written by Blair Butler. The film was produced by Emile Gladstone through his Latchkey Productions. Executive producers are Michael P. Flannigan and Jessica M. Thompson.
The film stars Emmanuel, Thomas Doherty, Stephanie Corneliussen, Alana Boden, Courtney Taylor, Hugh Skinner and Sean Pertwee.
“Three Thousand Years of Longing” opens via United Artists Releasing from MGM and will play on 2,436 theaters this weekend.