In the movie “The Invisible Man,” opening Friday, Elisabeth Moss wrestles with seemingly the thin air as she tries to fight off her completely invisible attacker. But Moss said that filming the fight scene was a bit more revealing.
“Making it is actually kind of silly and ridiculous because what you’re seeing in the film obviously is not actually what we saw,” Moss told Jimmy Kimmel of the film on Tuesday. “So when I’m fighting with say the Invisible Man, it’s actually a stunt double in a very tight green suit. Very tight. Like leaves nothing to the imagination. Like, you’re like trying to keep your eyes up. Hi! Don’t look down! Don’t look down.”
Usually in scenarios like this, the person in the green screen suit is eventually replaced with a monster or some other CGI creature. But because her assailant had to be erased completely, you can imagine why the stunt double had to wear something so slim fitting.
“It looks like a giant green condom,” she continued. “So you have this giant green condom coming at you, which is scary!
Thankfully the final scene in the movie is not as silly as Moss describes. “The Invisible Man,” which opens this weekend, is a horror movie remake of the classic Universal monster movie, only updated for a post-#MeToo era. Moss plays a woman who escapes the home of an abusive, scientist boyfriend that later commits suicide. But she suspects that he might still be terrorizing her by turning himself completely invisible.
Moss said that between this and Jordan Peele’s “Us” from last year, she’s starting to really enjoy the horror movie genre.
“That was where I discovered, this is my genre. Basically you can do the craziest shit, and everyone loves it,” she said of working with Peele on “Us.” “Okay, this is my jam.”
Check out the clip of Moss on “Kimmel” above.