When Barry changed everything in the Season 2 finale of “The Flash,” he may have put himself into the position of needing help from his arch nemesis.
In Season 3, which starts Tuesday, The Flash (Grant Gustin) may need to seek the help of Reverse-Flash (Matt Letscher), according to the actor who plays the DC comic book adaptation villain.
“‘The Flash’ finale, a lot of things did happen, and Barry changed it all at the very last second,” Letscher recalled. “Really where it leaves the Reverse Flash is pretty much where he was before, only now, Barry needs him. He needs him to help fix things.”
What needs fixing is a timeline which has been thrown into chaos since Barry made the fateful decision to go back in time and save his mother from the Reverse-Flash, a pivotal moment in his childhood.
The result is an alternate universe known from comic book lore as “Flashpoint.”
In this new universe, Barry’s parents are still alive and well, but his childhood best friend and love interest Iris (Candice Patton) barely knows who he is, and Cisco (Carlos Valdes) is the richest man in the world, but also a stranger.
With multiple timelines, alternate universes, doubles and doppelgangers running around, Letscher admits even he has a hard time keeping it all straight.
“I’m so messed up on what world is what and the physics of everything, I try not to think too hard about that stuff and focus on the scene in front of me and what I need there,” he said. “If I go down the timeline, multiple world wormhole, I’m just going to be lost forever.”
Things could get even more convoluted as Letscher pulls double duty on “The Flash” and “Legends of Tomorrow,” where he will join a new version of the Legion of Doom, alongside “Arrow’s” Neal McDonough, as Damien Darhk and John Barrowman as Malcolm Merlyn.
“It’s been interesting because they’re two very different shows,” he said of filming both shows simultaneously. “While they’re both ostensibly about people with superpowers and time travelers, ‘The Flash’ is still a very kind of intimate show. It’s a smaller show, it’s almost a family show. Whereas ‘Legends’ is this huge, expansive time-traveling, chaotic, vibrant show with a much larger cast and lots of things to take care of over the course of several timelines. It’s just much more complicated. It’s kind of fun to go back and forth, as this same guy.”
Letscher also confirmed he would be part of the big four-show crossover with “Arrow,” “The Flash,” Legends of Tomorrow” and “Supergirl,” but remained mum on details, though he did have a suggestion for how he could be incorporated into the planned musical crossover between “The Flash” and “Supergirl” in the spring.
“Nobody wants to hear me sing!” he laughed. “I can sing, but nobody wants to be there for it. Unless, maybe they’ll write me some sort of Reverse-Flash rap. Maybe I can be the real hip-hop element in this universe.”
“The Flash” airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.