On Thursday’s “The Daily Show,” Trevor Noah sought to short-circuit complaints from various conservative media figures that the Donald Trump impeachment hearings are unsexy, by turning the Ukraine scandal into a fake (and SFW) porn.
At issue, a ton of people who oppose the impeachment inquiry but instead of attacking it on the merits, they went on Fox News to complain the whole thing is boring. Noah played clips of them, including Stuart Varney, who compared the proceedings negatively to the Clinton impeachment hearings, which he said were at least “about sex,” and Jesse Watters, who said “it’s not a sexy scandal. Russia was sexy, this has no intrigue whatsoever.”
“Whoah, you’re saying Trump’s impeachment hearing is boring and unsexy? You know if he hears that it’s going to piss him off,” Noah joked.
Then Noah got real for a moment. “These hearings are investigating whether the president committed high crimes and misdemeanors. So they’re supposed to be serious … Impeachment is like a family reunion: If it’s sexy, something has gone horribly wrong.”
That’s when he got to the fake porn. Noah said that “The Daily Show” wants to help Fox News get into the spirit of the proceedings, and “if they can’t pay attention to the scandal unless it’s sexy, then we’ll make it sexy.” At which point he rolled out the clip.
The fake porn features a delivery boy show up at a single woman’s home, and then proceed to offer his “missile” in exchange for dirt on Joe Biden. In other words, the entirety of the Ukraine scandal, but in naughty format. It’s funny stuff, and you can watch the whole thing above.