‘The Daily Show’ Unveils the ‘Pandemmy’ Awards, Honoring the Worst of COVID-19 Behavior (Video)

Trevor Noah pays tribute to some truly memorable pandemic actions and statements

It might seem like a decade since the COVID-19 pandemic began, but it’s actually only been 7 months. You can be forgiven for thinking otherwise however, considering just how much has happened since the month Trump both publicly insisted COVID isn’t a real problem but privately admitted he knew good and well how dangerous the disease is.

So it’s pretty helpful that “The Daily Show” on Thursday reminded everyone of just how much of a fiasco America’s response has been with a gag parodying this week’s 2020 Emmy Awards: The Pandemmys. And though it is a big joke, it’s also something “The Daily Show Fans” can actually vote on.

And in a fun clip on Thursday’s episode promoting the awards, Trevor Noah broke down a few of the categories. Read on for a small sample.

Most Optimistic Performance.


Larry Kudlow, for falsely claiming “we have contained this” back in February.
Elon Musk, for claiming in March, without any evidence, that the U.S. would have the virus under control by “April”
Mike Pence, for asserting in April “by Memorial Day Weekend we will largely have this coronavirus epidemic behind us.”
Jared Kushner, for saying in April that the federal government has handled things excellently and that the U.S. economy would be “really rocking again” by July.
Donald Trump, for his infamous assertion — made in March at the same time he was telling Bob Woodward that COVID-19 was probably going to kill a lot of people — that the disease would disappear “like a miracle.”

Best Karen (honoring ‘Karens’ losing their minds when asked to wear masks).


The Karen recorded during a performative freakout over masks at a Trader Joe’s” who called the other shoppers Democratic Pigs, All of You.
The Karen recorded during a performative freakout over masks at a pizza shop who insisted “I have a right to my pizza.
The Karen recorded during a performative freakout over masks at a grocery store who threw items to the ground while screaming “I don’t give a f—.
The Karen recorded during a performative freakout over masks at a bank who started banging her head against the door and licking the window while someone could be heard in the background comparing it to the Will Smith zombie-vampire movie “I Am Legend.

Also shown, the bipartisan nominees for “Outstanding Stunt Coordination.”

“I’m telling you, the 2020 Pandemmys are gonna be sick. I mean like fever, dry cough, loss of smell sick,” Noah joked after running the clips.

If you want to take part in voting, you can head over right now to the Pandemmy Awards’ official site. Meanwhile, watch “The Daily Show” clip above, or check out the other categories in the videos below. They’re all really funny — and let’s be honest, scary/sad/angering/depressing too.

Best Bulls—.

Best Costume Design

Best Kevin (the male version of a Karen)

Outstanding Achievement in Wishful Thinking

Best Supporting Supporter

Best Foreign Film

Best Picture

Best Supporting Disaster in a Pandemic
