Test Proves Lohan Laying Off the Booze

Negative urine sample result vindicates actress over SCRAM alert

Give the girl her due. Lindsay Lohan said it wasn’t her — and it looks like it really wasn’t.

The court-ordered clean-living Lohan swore she hadn’t been drinking when her SCRAM bracelet went off at an MTV Movie Awards after-party on June 7. As the actress wrote on Twitter Thursday afternoon, the non-alcoholic truth came out and it was “refreshing.”

According to E! Online, the urine sample the actress gave just hours after the alarm sounded has come back negative.

As a result of the SCARM alert, a bench warrant was issued for Lohan’s arrest, and she had to post part of a new $200,000 bail. But even as Judge Marsha Revel was meeting with Lohan attorney Shawn Chapmen Holley and Deputy D.A. Danette Meyers, the actress was proclaiming her innocence via Twitter.

"My scram wasn't set off,” tweeted Lohan. “Its physically impossible considering I've nothing for it to go off-All of these false resports are absolutely wrong."

Even so, a spokesperson from the D.A’s office said that the violation was "alcohol-related." And even Holley admitted on June 8 that Lindsay's SCRAM revealed "presence of a small amount of alcohol." There has been no expanation yet for that statement.

Looks like everyone but Lindsay was wrong.

Vindicated for now, Lohan is due back in court on July 6 when the Revel will determine whether the “Mean Girls” actress violated her probation by missing a May 20 progress hearing. She has been on probation since August 2007, when she pleaded guilty to misdemeanor drug charges and no contest to three driving-related charges.

Lohan, who has been attempting less notoriety and a professional comeback of late, said she missed the long scheduled hearing because her passport had gone missing and she was stuck in at the Cannes Film Festival.

If the judge concludes there was a probation violation, she could still end up in jail.
