Trevor Noah: Birthers Targeting Ted Cruz Is ‘Like Hearing Someone Roofied Bill Cosby’ (Video)

“I didn’t know that this shit could happen to Republicans as well,” quips “The Daily Show” host

Ted Cruz The Daily Show

Trevor Noah is getting a real kick out of the birther movement targeting the Canadian-born Ted Cruz, a Republican, for once. It’s “like hearing someone roofied Bill Cosby,” the comedian quipped on Thursday’s “The Daily Show.”

The Comedy Central host declared “This shit is insane!”

“No, no, you’ve got to understand — because I didn’t know that this shit could happen to Republicans as well,” the South-African explained. “Like, I thought Republicans were the ones who do this, and not the ones that get this done to them.”

Noah then dropped the above-quoted Cosby comparison, and added a pretty good impression of him too.

Always happy to take a shot at Donald Trump, the 11 o’clock anchor traced the current birther issue back to the GOP frontrunner, whom Noah called “Patient Zero.”

It all worked. Watch the video:
