Bill Maher, whose HBO show has been picked up for a 10th season, attempted to wring some laughs out of television critics at the summer press tour on Thursday.
The host of "Real Time With Bill Maher" tried to warm up the crowd with a few jokes before throwing in the towel.
"Thank you very much the three people who applauded," Maher cracked upon entering the panel's stage. "It's really exciting here to be at the job fair."
Maher continued with a burst of politically-themed humor.
"I'm here to represent the Hollywood elite," Maher joked. "At least we're not welfare queens — unlike the oil industry and farmers and the auto industry."
Also read: Bill Maher: Grilled
Maher reflected on the common right-wing perception that Hollywood is out of touch with heartland values.
"To them I say, 'Shut up and eat your popcorn,'" Maher asserted. "And I really wish the president would talk like that a little more."
Sensing that the audience of television journalists might not be completely on-board, Maher cracked, "I've been to some places in the day but this is just pointless; I came here to entertain you."
Luckily, Maher will have that opportunity when the 10th season of "Real Time" premieres.