"The Big Bang Theory" and "Two and a Half Men" executive producer Chuck Lorre is attempting to tell a story of a women who's starting her life over again with his new comedy for CBS, "Mom."
Starring "Take Me Home Tonight" and "The House Bunny" star Anna Faris as Christy, a newly sober single mom whose estranged mother (Allison Janney) re-enters her life and a cast of off-the-wall characters, Lorre said there is room for a nice, straight guy on the sitcom.
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He announced during Monday's Television Critics Association press tour that Justin Long, pictured right, will guest star as a love interest for Christy.
"We're really excited about that," Lorre said. "That's going to come in the first few episodes. He has no idea what he's in for. He is going to be Christy's first shot at a new relationship in this chapter of her life."
Long has guest starred on Fox's "New Girl," starred on NBC's "Ed" and has done several movies, including "Youth in Revolt," "Dodgeball" and "Drag Me to Hell."
He also mentioned that on Episode 5 there will be another female guest star who will even out-crazy Christy.
"Oh, thank God," Faris said.
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Lorre said he tried to create series with a female reinventing herself before with "Grace Under Fire" (which he left after one season) and "Cybil" (where his hardships with star Cybil Shepherd are well documented).
Will Faris make the third time the charm?