Taylor Swift’s Video Director Compares Her to Nicole Brown Simpson in Kanye-Kim Feud

“Ain’t the first time the Kardashians supported the murder of an innocent blonde woman,” Joseph Kahn tweets

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Joseph Kahn is really going for the jugular in the spat between Taylor Swift, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian.

Kahn, the director of numerous Taylor Swift videos including “Bad Blood” and “Wildest Dreams,” has rushed to his muse’s defense with a gruesome comparison.

“Ain’t the first time the Kardashians supported the murder of an innocent blonde woman,” Kahn tweeted on Monday, after the Internet exploded with news of the latest feud between Swift and the Kanyesphere.

In case anyone missed the reference, Kahn was apparently comparing Swift to Nicole Brown Simpson, the ex-wife of O.J. Simpson, whom Robert Kardashian famously defended during Simpson’s murder trial.

The latest flare-up in the Taylor-Kanye saga erupted earlier this week, when West’s wife, Kim Kardashian, posted video of a phone conversation between Swift and West, in which Swift purportedly gave her blessing to the lyrics of West’s song “Famous,” which refers to Swift as “that bitch.”

Swift fired up her Twitter account shortly thereafter to deny — again — that she’d approved the derogatory phrase.

“Where is the video of Kanye telling me he was going to call me ‘that bitch’ in his song?” Swift wrote. “It doesn’t exist because it never happened. You don’t get to control someone’s emotional response to being called ‘that bitch’ in front of the entire world.”

Swift went on to claim that she was the victim of “character assassination.”

Kahn didn’t restrict his own response to one tweet by a long shot. In a particularly pointed tweet, he took aim at Kardashian’s questionable claim to fame.

“People always ask me how to be famous. My answer is simple,” he wrote. “Have your dad defend murder of a woman. Release sex tape. That’s it. Good luck.”

He also wrote, “How dare you bring up a murder of a woman with the Kardashians – when no one knew what a Kardashian was until they supported the murderer!”

And also, “The irony of one of the most untalented women in the world attacking one of the most talented.”

Read below for the joy of it all.

