Donald Trump is ramping up for a potential 2012 presidential bid with plenty of media appearances. On Thursday, two one-on-one interviews with the would-be Republican candidate showcased the difference between what constitutes a "serious" interview on a network morning show, and an old-fashioned cable news grilling.
First, Trump sat down down with Meredith Vieira on the "Today" show. After explaining to her that he doesn't want to declare his presidential run yet because NBC would, by law, have to pull "The Apprentice" off the air, they discussed the Obama "birther" issue.
"He may not have been born in this country," Trump said. "I have people studying this down in Hawaii and they can't believe what they're finding."
Vieira stammered but ultimately did not press Trump. ("Good God," Time TV critic James Poniewozik wrote. "I think 'Today' was tougher on the Salahis.")
Contrast Vieira's one-on-one with Trump with CNN's Suzanne Malveaux, who was well-versed in batting down the "birther" argument:
Here are both clips (via TVNewser):