• YouTube Is Changing the Way We See Each Other — and Ourselves

    Watching online videos is not as isolating as you think; in fact, it’s enabling a whole new way of becoming connected.

  • Is There Life Left in AOL?

    It’s lost traffic, buzz and soon even Time Warner, but don’t count the internet “dinosaur” out yet.

    Is There Life Left in AOL?
  • YouTube + Film Studios = Disaster Movie

    It must be ironic, rather than conspiratorial, that just as a Stockholm court jails two individuals responsible for the Pirate Bay and SAG reaches a tentative and contentious deal that YouTube has successfully seduced some big content providers. Obviously Google is not desperate for cash, but it certainly is desperate do something with YouTube, a…

  • YouTube, Uni Music Partner for Hulu-Type Music-Video Channel

    Brokered by U2’s Bono, the plan is to aggregate enough top-level content to attract advertising and sponsorship

  • Internet Piracy Is Killing Porn’s Profits

    Web sites like RedTube and PornHub allow users to view pirated porn videos for free.

  • Exclusive: Bale’s Co-Workers Say His F-Bombs Were Justified

    Crew members on “Terminator” step up to defend the star

  • Congress Does YouTube

    Move over Barney. That cute Barney Cam of you and Miss Beazley running all over the Bush White House is so declasse. Even that footage of you, with your terrier temper, biting a reporter, has fallen from favor. Change is in the air, and there’s a new animal cam making the rounds in Washington. No,…

  • Online Video Viewing Up 34%

    A new study indicates that Americans may be getting more comfortable watching videos online.