The Daily Show
Jon Stewart Tells Bill O’Reilly to Stop Worrying About Loss of ‘Traditional America’
"The Daily Show" host says that the ruling class is always worried about ethnic minorities
Jon Stewart on Petraeus Affair: Fox News Has Discovered New Obama Conspiracy
"The Daily Show" host faults himself for not figuring out that Paula Broadwell was too close to David Petraeus
Jon Stewart Dubs Nate Silver ‘God of the Algorithm’ (Video)
Nate Silver correctly predicted the 2012 presidential election and that impresses "The Daily Show" host
Jon Stewart Rips Romney Tax Plan: ‘Dude Couldn’t Be Anymore Vague If He Were an HBO Season Finale’ (Video)
Jon Stewart compares Romney tax plan to olestra, the anal-leakage-inducing fat substitute
Watch ‘The Daily Show’ Fake Obama Ad ‘It Could Have Been Worse’ (Video)
Larry David narrates and notes that under President Obama the earth wasn't hit by an asteroid
Robert Pattinson Talks Kristen Stewart Breakup, Eats Ice Cream on ‘The Daily Show’
Jon Stewart tells Robert Pattinson that Ben & Jerry's got him through messy breakups
Jon Stewart Mocks CNN, Fox News Supreme Court Health Care Ruling Flub (Video)
"The Daily Show" host pokes fun after the cable news networks mistakenly report that the Obama health care law was declared unconstitutional
Jon Stewart: Romney Is Like a Rape Baby — and Santorum Is Too Honest (Video)
Santorum says a woman impregnated by rape should keep the baby. How that advice applies to Republican voters
Jon Stewart: ‘All-American Muslim’ Critics Upset Series Doesn’t Stereotype Muslims?! (Video)
The "Daily Show" gang also points out Lowe's, which pulled ads from the TLC series, sells all the ingredients needed for a DIY bomb
Jon Stewart on Herman Cain’s ‘Pokemon’ Goodbye: ‘I’m Gonna Miss Him So Much’ (Video)
"I believe these words came from the Pokemon movie."
Jon Stewart Says Mitt Romney Is ‘His Own Mistress… Opposites Attract’ (Video)
Romney's tense chat with Bret Baier leads Stewart to say flip-flopper Romney doesn't need a Herman Cain-type scandal to take him down; he's got himself
Jon Stewart on Rick Perry’s ‘Oops’: The ‘Dope Diamond’ of Comedy (Video)
Rick Perry's infamous "brain turd" made Stewart and his "Daily Show" staff joyous, but Stewart says it also cemented Mitt Romney as the GOP's best presidential option
Jon Stewart: Herman Cain, Take the Lie Detector Test (Video)
The "Daily Show" host also notes Cain's habit of talking about himself in the third person as he tries to navigate his political sex scandal
Jon Stewart Paints Jon Corzine as Occupy Wall Street Poster Boy (Video)
On last night's "Daily Show," Stewart ran down Corzine's history of risky financial moves and his ultimate downfall at MF Global
Jon Stewart Pokes Fun at Herman Cain, Gloria Allred and ‘Occupy Ball Street’ (Video)
The "Daily Show" host says one bad pun deserves another (and another) after Allred's Friar's Club press conference