The Daily Show
‘Daily Show’ Host Trevor Noah Clowns Tucker Carlson For Saying Kids Protesting Gun Violence Aren’t Citizens
“If kids are old enough to be shot, they are old enough to have an opinion about being shot,” Noah said on Thursday night’s “The Daily Show”
‘Daily Show’ Host Trevor Noah Says Trump’s Space Force Should Wait Until Trump Finishes His Earth Wars (Video)
“Finish your Afghanistan, and then you can have space, Donald,” Noah joked on Wednesday’s show
‘Daily Show’ Host Trevor Noah: Trump’s White House Casualty Numbers Reaching ‘Saving Private Ryan’ Levels (Video)
“Working for the White House is basically like being in a ‘Saw’ movie,” Noah joked on Tuesday’s show
‘Daily Show’ Host Trevor Noah: Betsy DeVos Accidentally Visiting a Bad School Would Make for Hilarious ‘Dangerous Minds’ Sequel (Video)
Noah went in on Education Secretary Betsy DeVos for her amazingly awkward “60 Minutes” interview Sunday night
‘Daily Show’ Host Trevor Noah Clowns Trump Over Anti-Video Game Rhetoric (Video)
“As kids we spent every day playing ‘Paperboy,’ but that never inspired anyone to commit mass paper deliveries,” Noah joked on Thursday’s “Daily Show”
‘Daily Show’ Host Trevor Noah on Trump Chaos: ‘We’re Learning About All of America’s Laws Because They Keep On Breaking Them’ (Video)
The Trump administration is just so educational, Noah joked on “The Daily Show” Wednesday night
‘Daily Show’ Host Trevor Noah: Sam Nunberg Just The Latest Male Gossiper in Trump Administration (Video)
The Trump White House defies all gender stereotypes about gossip, Noah said, with the men snitching constantly and the women keeping ‘their s— on lock”
Trevor Noah: Trump’s Trade War Better Than a Nuclear One Like Everyone Feared (Video)
“Of all the wars we thought Trump could get us into…a trade war is like the least bad option,” Noah said on Monday’s “Daily Show”
Trevor Noah: Trump Attacking the NRA Is The Most Shocking Twist Since ‘The Usual Suspects’ (Video)
But Noah also provided an important reminder to not “get too excited for your gun-grabber-in-chief” on Thursday’s “Daily Show”
‘Daily Show’ Breakout Hasan Minhaj Joins Netflix for Weekly Talk Show
He will remain with “The Daily Show” through July
‘Daily Show’ Host Trevor Noah Surprised Ben Carson Has No Clue How Much a Chair Costs
“Ben Carson is clearly doing some shady s— at his department,” Noah said in his opening segment Wednesday night
How Late Night Hosts Tore Into Trump’s Claim About What He’d Have Done During School Shooting (Videos)
Trump’s quote about how he’d have “run in there” had he been present at Stoneman Douglas High during the shooting was easy fodder for Colbert, Meyers and Noah
‘Daily Show’ Host Trevor Noah Jokes That Trump Could Distract School Shooters By Bragging About His Electoral College Victory (Video)
“Like eight minutes later the police show up, Trump is still talking,” Noah said on Monday night’s “The Daily Show”
‘Daily Show’ Trots Out the NRA’s Own ‘Teenz 4 Gunz’ to Counter Parkland Shooting Survivors (Video)
The sketch had a trio of middle-aged actors pretending to be teenagers who are in favor of gun rights in a fake NRA video
‘Daily Show’ Host Trevor Noah Lampoons Fox News’ Parkland Coverage With His Own Bad Ideas For Stopping School Shootings (Video)
Noah took aim at Fox News pundits who proposed every possible solution under the sun except for gun control laws