rupert murdoch
News Corp. Gets Antitrust Approval for BSkyB Bid, But ‘War’ is Declared
Commission vows support, but business secretary reportedly vows fight
Newspapers in 2010: Another Bad Year, But the Bleeding Slows
The tourniquet is finally working on advertising and circ as publishers anxiously await NYT paywall, Murdoch’s iPad “Daily”
News Corp.’s ‘Daily’ iPad Publication Now Targeting January Launch
Murdoch’s tablet newspaper to bow week of Jan. 17
Sir Richard Branson Unveils iPad-Only Virgin Magazine ‘Project’
Billed as a “living magazine,” the constantly updating publication will lean heavily on users’ contributions
Richard Branson to Unveil Virgin iPad Magazine
Mogul’s “Project,” due next week, could be a rival to Rupe’s “Daily” newspaper
News Corp. Buys Wireless Generation for $360M
After hiring NYC schools chancellor Joel Klein, Rupert Murdoch shows he’s serious about education business
Surprise Guest Rupert Murdoch Honors Simon Cowell at British-Dominated International Emmys
Rupert Murdoch makes surprise appearance to praise Cowell
Tim Molloy -
Driven by Fox News, News Corp. Sees 8% Profit Growth
Bump provided by cable networks, offset by profit slide at 20th Century Fox; MySpace remains “a problem”
What the Fox/Cablevision Fight Is All About
Cablevision charges that Fox is trying to hike up its annual rates by more than double, from $70 million to $150 million — a figure the network disputes
Rupert Murdoch: Simultaneous Theater-VOD Release ‘a Big Mistake’
Comments came four months after the FCC approved changes to federal rules that studios sought in order to allow quicker release of films
Bed Bugs Attack the Wall Street Journal!
New York epidemic hits News Corp. offices; bug-sniffing dogs called in
Fox News to Air Ad Disclosing $1M GOP Donation — Once!
Spot produced by liberal watchdog group Media Matters to run on FNC — once — during O’Reilly’s “Factor”
Murdoch Vs. Sulzberger Gets Animated (Video)
The newspaper wars between the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal is re-imagined with a touch of "West Side Story"
News Corp. Hires Exec Away From Viacom for iPad Newspaper
MTV Digital EVP Greg Clayman tapped by Rupert Murdoch to become publisher