Robert Redford
What Hollywood Owes to Oxford
Starting as a way for two guys to stay in school in the ’70s, the Oxford Film Society has yielded stars, Oscars and hit films and filmmakers
Peter McAlevey -
Sundance Offers Festival Films via VOD
Three movies will premiere simultaneously in Park City and a potential 40 million homes
Sundance Takes Its Show on the Road
For one night during festival, filmmakers take their work to 8 U.S. cities.
Wrap Staff -
Peter Facinelli: Speaking Queens English
Inspired by Redford, actor is in “Twilight” of his career.
Peter Facinelli (told to Eric Estrin) -
All-Star Cast for Redford’s ‘The Conspirator’
Wilkinson, Wood, Kline and Bledel join movie about Lincoln assassination.
Variety -
More Upheaval at Sundance: Ken Brecher Resigns
No replacement yet for the executive director, who steps down April 30 after 19 years.
Wrap Staff -
Sundance Names John Cooper Festival Director
Sundance named John Cooper, a respected veteran of its organization, to run the Sundance Film Festival.
What Future for Sundance?
The door to reinvention is open at Sundance after years of creeping bloat and commercialization.
Sharon Waxman and Amy Kaufman -
Quiet Sundance Opens in Recession; Redford: “Art Will Find a Way”
Will “Slumdog Millionaire” give the low-key festival a boost?
Wrap Staff