Jon Stewart
Arianna’s $250K Bus to Jon Stewart Rally a ‘Shock’ at HuffPo HQ
Sales execs are suddenly seeking sponsors for the Arianna Express, now with some 11,000 riders at a cost of $250,000
Rick Sanchez on ‘GMA’: ‘I Screwed Up’; Calls Jon Stewart ‘Classy’
Ex-CNN host goes on “Good Morning America” in first public appearance since meltdown
Fox News, MSNBC ‘Not Interested’ in Rick Sanchez, Even Post-Apology
The disgraced news anchor apologizes for comments that got him fired, but it looks like he’s out of options on cable news
Rick Sanchez’s Wife Blames ‘Exhaustion’ for His Meltdown
The anchor apologized to Jon Stewart on Monday after he called the “Daily Show” host “a bigot” in a controversial radio interview
Jon Stewart Fillets Rick Sanchez, Then Lets Him Off The Hook
“Daily Show” host weighs in on CNN host’s epic meltdown
Jon Stewart on Rick Sanchez: ‘Apologize, and We’ll Hire You Back’
Stewart at a charity event: ‘If you went on radio and said the Jews control the media … you may want to hold on to your money’
The Hollywood Reporter -
Transcript of CNN’s Rick Sanchez Meltdown on Sirius Radio
From the transcript: ‘You know what, I really don’t see you as an anchor, I see you more as a reporter, I see you more as a John Quinones – That’s what he told me.’
Rick Sanchez’s Public Meltdown — Lashes Out at CNN, Jon Stewart, Jews
In a radio interview promoting his book, the cable news anchor lashed out after being replaced by the new “Parker Spitzer” talk show
Huffington Offers Free Buses From NYC to D.C. for Stewart’s Rally
Huffington Post founder promises she’ll provide transportation for as many that want to go
Jon Stewart Defends Colbert’s Congressional Appearance (Video)
Calls House “the Andy Dick of government,” Tucker Carlson an “arrogant douche”
Jon Stewart, Bill O’Reilly Exchange (Friendly) Fire on ‘The Factor’ (Videos)
Fox News host declines invitation to D.C. rally, afraid of getting a contact high
Stephen Colbert Goes to Washington — No, Not to Rally, to Testify
Will testify to a House immigration panel on “Protecting America’s Harvest,” along with the United Farm Works president
More Than 100,000 RSVP for Stewart, Colbert D.C. Rallies on Facebook
Oct. 30 turnout on the National Mall could eclipse Glenn Beck’s recent rally
Park Service: Stewart, Colbert Don’t Have Permits for D.C. Rallies
Requests have not been accepted — yet
Stewart, Colbert Schedule Competing D.C. Marches for Sanity, Fear
“Think of our event as … the Gathering of the Juggalos, but instead of throwing our feces at Tila Tequila, we’ll be actively *not* throwing our feces at Tila Tequila”