John Oliver
John Oliver Urges Donald Trump to Run in 2016: ‘I Will Personally Write You a Campaign Check’ (Video)
The comedian says no one wants The Donald to be president, but everyone badly wants him to run
John Oliver Suggests Fast Food Workers Give Fox News Pundits the Special Sauce Treatment (Video)
Especially Tracy Byrnes, who thinks $250,000 is near poverty but raising the minimum wage is socialism
John Oliver: Congress ‘May Just Become the English Language’s Most Offensive C-word’ (Video)
Though it will have to contend with "cronut"
John Oliver on Anthony Weiner: ‘A Sinking Poll’ Is the Least of his Problems (Video)
"The Daily Show" host lets the penis jokes fly
John Oliver: Did J.P. Morgan Just Get the Idea to go Into Sex Trafficking?
"The Daily Show" sub-host frets that the mega-bank may have gotten the messages mixed at a Senate subcommittee hearing
Anthony Weiner’s Campaign Had ‘A Bit of a Cock-up,’ John Oliver Says (Video)
"The Daily Show" fill-in wonders aloud about the mayoral candidate sending additional photos at this point
Louis C.K. on Fathering Royal Baby, Rolling Stone Cover: ‘F— Them’ (Video)
"Blue Jasmine" actor says he just wanted to meet Woody Allen before Allen dies
‘Daily Show:’ John Oliver Asks Why Cable News is Always Using a Thumping Rock Beat
"I think we clearly have different ideas of what rocking it means, because mine involves leather pants and chainsaws," Oliver said. "Your’s involves Alzheimer’s and chemotherapy.”
‘Daily Show’s’ John Oliver Blames Filibusters on ‘Congress’s Innate D—ishness’ (Video)
Nearly half of all executive nominee filibusters ever have occurred during the Obama administration
John Oliver on Zimmerman Verdict: Florida Law Seems Cut and Pasted From 1881 Tombstone (Video)
The interim "Daily Show" host has a serious beef with the state's Stand Your Ground law
‘Daily Show’: Jon Stewart Skypes in From the Middle East
Says it's weird to watch John Oliver host: "It's like watching someone have sex with your wife's desk"
Jon Stewart Returns to the ‘Daily Show’ – via Skype (Video)
Thursday's edition of the Comedy Central show will have an intense Jo(h)n-off
John Oliver on Supreme Court DOMA Decision: Now Gays Can File Taxes Together!
"Daily Show" host notes that same-sex couples also get to find out if their spouse has been killed
‘Daily Show’: Watch John Oliver Watch Al Franken Explain a Joke
A satirist admires a satirists admiring a satirist — as something serious is explained
‘The Daily Show’: James Gandolfini’s Legacy, Paula Deen Controversy; Tom Brokaw Rips Journalism (Video)
In the far ranging episode, John Oliver covers Deen's family history of slave ownership, remembers the "Sopranos" star and Brokaw talks journalism now and then