James Cameron
Na’vi Give IMAX a Record Q4
Giant-screen provider is off to a great start in 2010, with both Cameron’s movie and “Alice” powering grosses, theater installations
Why Would Cameron Call ‘Avatar’ a Chick Flick?
Genre has found box office success of late, and the label seems to be gaining some respect
Amanda Sloane Murray -
‘Avatar’ Oscar Prediction from Jon Landau: ‘We Won’t Win’
The Oscar-nominated producer believes the preferential voting system will work against them for Best Picture
Billy Jack: Making Violent War Films Is a Drug for Bigelow
She’s a directing genius, but her psyche will never allow her to make a box-office hit
Tom Laughlin -
Damon and Gyllenhaal as Jake Scully?
Cameron tells L.A. Times he auditioned both for the lead “Avatar” role
Wrap Staff -
James Cameron Chats for the Environment, Tarantino Sells Posters for Haiti
In the final days of awards season, two contenders add charity events into the mix
Trouble on Pandora: 4 Big ‘Avatar’ Failures
Leona Lewis is no Celine Dion; Jake Sully is no Han Solo …
Dominic Patten -
The Oscars: Is It Really a Two-Horse Race?
It’s “Hurt Locker” vs. “Avatar,” but who’s going to win — and has “Inglourious Basterds” muscled into the race, too?
Stars Set for Oprah’s March 3 Oscar Special (Updated)
ABC’s hourlong show features Berry chatting with Cruz, Cameron talking to “Avatar” stars
Oscar Hopefuls Flock to Santa Barbara
The first weekend of the film festival hosted James Cameron, Sandra Bullock, Quentin Tarantino and many others
‘Avatar’ vs. ‘Hurt Locker’ – Who’s Got the Upper Hand?
If it boils down to a two-film race for Best Picture, the Academy left a few hints as to who’s got the support
‘Avatar,’ ‘Hurt Locker’ Lead the Way at Oscar Nominations
They receive 9 nods apiece; expanded Best Picture category includes “Blind Side,” “Up”
Kathryn Bigelow Wins Top DGA Award
“The Hurt Locker” beats her ex’s “Avatar”; Louis Psihoyos gets documentary prize for “The Cove”
Cameron, Bigelow Face Off at DGA
The former spouses, with two dramatically different films, are frontrunners for the top Directors Guild award
The ‘I Don’t Deserve This’ Speech: Will It Backfire?
What if Oscar voters believe them when Globes, SAG winners say they don’t deserve their awards?