hugh hefner
Hefner: Penthouse Will Have to Pry Playboy From My Cold, Dead Hand
84-year-old founder talks stock offer, new documentary, legacy on CNN
Playboy Board Forms Special Committee to Evaluate Hefner Offer
Two-person body to explore founder’s bid to take company private
Hugh Hefner on Puritanism, Marilyn and the Future of His Iconic Magazine
“Monogamy requires a little something more out of a couple living 70, 80, 90 years”
Playboy Launches New Un-Playboy-ish Blog has none of the good qualities long associated with the magazine’s written content
Read Penthouse Owner Marc Bell’s Letter to Playboy’s Board
FriendFinder chief on $210 million offer: “We can create a 21st century media powerhouse”
Penthouse Owner Makes $210M Bid for Playboy
FriendFinder Networks owner Marc Bell submits promised offer
Read Hugh Hefner’s Proposal to Take Playboy Private
Full text of legendary founder’s letter to the board
Penthouse Owner to Announce Bid for Playboy on Thursday
Hef: “Penthouse is just looking for publicity — they’re not in the picture”
Owner of Penthouse on Bid for Playboy: I’d Leave Magazines Separate
Marc Bell tells TheWrap he plans to make an offer for Playboy Enterprises “in the next day or so”
Hef Offers to Take Playboy Private; Penthouse Eyes Takeover
Penthouse chief promises own takeover bid as Playboy shares jump
Playboy to Publish 3D Centerfold
Playboy is about to publish an issue with a 3D centerfold. The magazine’s June issue — hitting newsstands Friday — comes with a pair of 3D glasses (sponsored by HBO’s “True Blood”) necessary to view Hope Dworaczyk, its 2010 Playmate of the Year. Hugh Hefner says the idea for a 3D centerfold was inspired directly…
Producer: Lohan to Play Linda Lovelace
Wali Razaqi says troubled actress will play adult film icon in Matthew Wilder’s “Inferno”
Hefner Receives PromaxBDA Lifetime Achievement Award
Peter Liguori, David Foster will be among speakers at marketing/promotions conference
Wrap Staff