Michael Bay on ‘Transformers’ Haters: ‘Let Them Hate, They’re Still Going to See the Movie’
Negative reviews haven’t hindered the franchise yet
‘X-Men’ Scribe Zak Penn to Rewrite ‘Ready Player One’ for Warner Bros. (Exclusive)
Donald De Line and Dan Farah are producing the adaptation of Ernie Cline’s acclaimed sci-fi novel
Producer J.C. Spink Puts Asses in Seats in ‘The Goldbergs’ Clip (Video)
The Hollywood veteran grew up in Pennsylvania with series creator Adam F. Goldberg
‘The Hobbit’ Spawns Fan-Made Trailer That Brings Some Viewers to Tears (Video)
A viral YouTube video combines trailers and TV spots for "The Hobbit" to create a lengthy super-trailer.
Comic-Con Extends Deal in San Diego, ‘Avengers’ Welcome Back
Comic-Con International, the year's biggest fanboy convention, will remain in San Diego through 2016
Study: Fanboys Are Girls, Too
Popular perception of pimply, awkward young men is too limited, according to study.