Family Guy
‘Family Guy’ Cast Performs Live Abortion Episode
Live table read of controversial abortion episode for the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.
The Hollywood Reporter -
MacFarlane, From ‘Family Guy’ to ‘Star Wars’ (Video)
Like a victorious Megageek General among his people, "Family Guy" creator Seth MacFarlane’s appearance at Comic-Con on Saturday morning opened to thunderous applause, whoops and cheers — and pretty much remained on the same rapturous level for the next hour, for better and worse. Hours beforehand, thousands of fans lined up outside the Convention Center…
Dominic Patten -
Maybe There Really Is Hope for the Emmys
I think I can speak for the rest of America in leading a collective exhale after reviewing this morning’s Emmy nominations. We’re safe in the knowledge that the nation’s TV critics will not be forced to walk off their jobs en masse (at least, the nine that remain). Why? Because Jim Parsons got…
Ray Richmond