Showrunners Band Together To Bash Emmys
WGA puts out list of scribes who oppose telecast changes.
Wrap Staff -
Tempest Rages Over Emmys ‘Time-Shift’
“A show that has always recognized the best in the industry now seems to be focused on recognizing broadcast network television.”
Ukraine Gets First-Ever Emmy Nomination
International TV Academy unveils news, current event noms.
Michael Speier -
Finally, Sanity in a Process Steeped in Rules, Indignation
The Dirty Little Secret of awards show culture is this: The only people with a hankering to watch are overwhelmingly older and coastal.
Ray Richmond -
Maybe There Really Is Hope for the Emmys
I think I can speak for the rest of America in leading a collective exhale after reviewing this morning’s Emmy nominations. We’re safe in the knowledge that the nation’s TV critics will not be forced to walk off their jobs en masse (at least, the nine that remain). Why? Because Jim Parsons got…
Ray Richmond -
Emmys Show Love to HBO, ’30 Rock’
Cable network leads with 99 noms; NBC sitcom lands comedy record 22.
Michael Speier -
Emmys Launch Interactive Site
New Emmys.com will stream Thursday’s nomination announcement.
Michael Speier -
Emmys Separate Talk Shows, Specials
Applies to directors and writers; a similar separation for hosts and performers was announced in March.
Amy Kaufman -
Memo to Emmy: Online TV Screeners Don’t Work
It's too hard watching Henry VIII have sex on my laptop. I gave it a good try, but I'm going back to the old-fashioned way of watching screeners. Spring means the arrival of Emmy screeners from the TV Academy. Years ago, these stopped being just episodes submitted for consideration and grew into fancy promotional presentations…
Emmy Groups Agree on Awarding Online Content
Online content will compete in existing award categories
Lauren Horwitch