Donald Glover
Donald Glover Stand-Up Special ‘Weirdo’ Hits Comedy Central in November
The “Community” jokester heads a list of the network’s impressive fall offerings
‘Community’ Star Donald Glover Tapped as First Host of MTVu’s ‘Woodie Awards’
“(Insert joke about award sounding like a penis),” Glover says
Jack Black & Zach Galifianakis Join Disney’s ‘Muppets’ Movie
Billy Crystal, Alan Arkin and Jean-Claude Van Damme will also make cameo appearances
25 Film & TV Writers You Must Follow on Twitter
Writers may be low on the Hollywood totem pole, but their tweets reign supreme
Exclusive: Jane Lynch, Donald Glover & Danny Trejo Join Disney’s ‘Muppet’ Movie
Jason Segel co-wrote and stars in the film, which will be directed by James Bobin
Hollywood’s Funny People Hammer Mel Gibson Rant
Actors, screenwriters, comedians and columnists weigh in on the controversy
Good Morning Hollywood, June 2: In Dreams
“Inception” gets coy, and Ashton Kutcher turns piracy into a marketing scam
Twitterverse: Cast Donald Glover for ‘Spider-Man’ Reboot
Viral campaign launched to land audition for “Community” and YouTube star in Peter Parker role
Callbacks: Ansari Has ’30 Minutes’; Ryder’s a ‘Cheater’
Javier Bardem, Jason Statham and Mickey Rourke are circling Tony Scott’s crime drama “Potzdamer Platz”