• We Don’t Need a $200M ‘Avatar’

    They’ve finally released the teaser trailer for James Cameron’s Avatar, and I’m torn.   On one hand it looks great. Even on my lousy computer the scenes of the alien world are stunning. From the looks of things, Cameron hasn’t lost his touch for directing hellacious action scenes.   But on the other hand this…

  • ‘District 9’ Keeps Summer B.O. Sizzling

    Warner-New Line’s “The Time Traveler’s Wife” opens third with $19.2 mil.

    ‘District 9’ Keeps Summer B.O. Sizzling
  • Sony’s Aliens Exceed Expectations, Keep Summer B.O. Sizzling

    Warner-New Line’s “The Time Traveler’s Wife” opens third with $19.2 mil.

    Sony’s Aliens Exceed Expectations, Keep Summer B.O. Sizzling
  • Memo to Michael Bay: Go See ‘District 9’

    Let’s use Peter Jackson’s fabulous “District 9” for a quick and dirty object lesson — or rant, if you like — about Michael Bay, Hollywood’s muddled thinking, and why even the most impulse-driven moviegoers are smarter than anyone thinks. It’s commonly shared wisdom in Hollywood that familiarity is the new black. Sequelizing, redoing, reissuing, remaking…

  • First, ‘The Hobbit,’ Then ‘District 9’

    Peter Jackson was once crowned the "geek God" by the New York Times, and his throng of admirers rose to their feet Friday afternoon as Jackson came to the stage to introduce his latest producing effort, "District 9." But first, Jackson wanted to clear up rumors about his upcoming project. "I know you’re probably gonna…

  • The Latest ‘District 9’ Trailer

    Sony releases the horror film on Aug. 14.