Bill O’Reilly
Rachel Maddow Embraces Jesus, Sean Hannity Calls ‘Bullsh-t: Best Media Reactions to Obama Immigration Speech
Bill O’Reilly, Chris Hayes and Newt Gingrich also weigh in the president’s plans to reform the immigration system
Bill O’Reilly Hangs Up on ESPN Host After Questions About Olbermann, Controversies (Video)
ESPN’s Dan Le Batard asks O’Reilly about Olbermann and past controversies, Fox News host hangs up
Joy Behar: Bill O’Reilly is ‘Shameless’ and ‘Doesn’t Give a Sh*t’
Recounting her and Whoopi Goldberg storming offset during O’Reilly’s 2010 visit to “The View,” Behar blasts the Fox News host
Bill O’Reilly Rejects Ohio Governor’s Bid to Host the ‘Factor’: ‘I’d Like to Keep the Ratings’
John Kasich makes a plea to host Fox News’ “O’Reilly Factor”
‘The View’s’ Rosie O’Donnell Slams Fox News for Inciting a ‘Lot of Hate’
During discussion about Ben Stein’s controversial comments about President Obama, co-host calls out network
TV News Horror Show: Top 5 Scariest Segments of All Time (Video)
In the spirit of Halloween, here’s a few of the all-time craziest, weirdest and cringeworthy moments from the world of TV news
President Obama Doesn’t Watch Cable News, Jay Carney Says (Video)
Former Press Secretary says the president doesn’t watch cable news; is “aware” of Fox News
Bill O’Reilly and Karl Rove Will Not Be Gambling Together Anytime Soon
Fox News host pokes fun at political strategist’s electoral track record
Bill O’Reilly on Jon Stewart Debate: He’s ‘a Big White Privilege Guy’
Fox News host recounts Wednesday night’s debate with Jon Stewart, explains “victimization”
Bill O’Reilly Thinks He’s Ratings Gold and Jon Stewart Is ‘Culturally Important’ (Video)
The Fox News personality proclaimed that he has beaten the “mainstream media”
Fox News Fires Back After President Obama’s Swipe in Speech (Video)
“He’s having a rough patch, he’s had a rough patch for the last six months,” Bill O’Reilly says of the president
Piers Morgan Blames Anderson Cooper for Failed CNN Show
“Could I have done with a better lead-in? Yes,” argues the former “Piers Morgan Live” host
Stephen Colbert Calls Bill O’Reilly ‘A F–king Egomaniac’ (Video)
The back and forth battle between the comedian and the Fox News host heats up
Bill O’Reilly Has a Strict Solution for the NFL’s Domestic Violence Scandal (Video)
“The O’Reilly Factor” host suggests commissioner Roger Goodell needs to have in place clear rules on handling criminal allegations
Bill O’Reilly Rips Stephen Colbert for Mocking Him: He Has ‘No Bleeping Clue’ (Video)
“They don’t know anything,” the Fox News pundit says of Comedy Central host, others regarding ISIS coverage