Barack Obama
Jay-Z Performs ’99 Problems (But a Mitt Ain’t One)’ (Video)
Rapper says at Obama rally that his performance definitely wasn't vetted
Romney Outspends Obama in Key States as TV Political Ad Buys Up 68%
SNL Kagan says ad buys to increase to $2.6B, up from $1.6B in 2008
Michael Moore Gets Senior Citizens to Talk Dirty for Obama (Video)
"Bowling for Columbine" filmmaker Michael Moore enlists senior citizens for salty-tongued message about voter suppression
How 9/11, Mormons Inspired Matthew Modine to Make ‘Jesus Was a Commie’
Matthew Modine says Mitt Romney "will be terrible for human beings around the world"
Joss Whedon Backs Romney for Faster ‘Path to Zombie Apocalypse’ (Video)
"He's not afraid to face a ravening, grasping horde of subhumans. 'Cause that's how he sees poor people already"
Letterman to Trump: President Should Be ‘Above Coercion or Simple Blackmail’ (Video)
Trump says his $5 million offer for records is about transparency
Donald Trump’s October Surprise: I Don’t Have One (Video)
Trump has no information, but offers Obama money to provide some
Jon Stewart: Romney Was Against Obama’s Foreign Policy Before He Was For It (Video)
Watch the candidates' amazing duet on Syria
Ann Coulter: ‘Retard’ Jokes = Good. Cancer Jokes = Bad
Ann Coulter breaks down the new rules of comedy
Obama to Do Live MTV Q&A Friday
President reaches out to young voters, two days after "Tonight Show" appearance
Ratings: Fox News Sets Record With Final Presidential Debate
Barack Obama-Mitt Romney showdown gives Fox News its highest-rated telecast in network's history
Debate Review: Obama Fixes Bayonet as Romney Tries to Stay Above the Fray
President is as scrappy as a third-party challenger, but leans on incumbency
‘Daily Show’: Obama’s ‘Not Optimal’ Answer Rallies Conservatives (Video)
Conservatives jump on president's description of four deaths in Libya as "not optimal"