TheWrap at Cameron’s Nationwide Avatar Sneak
With a video-game feel, the 3D doesn’t add anything profound to the scene. In fact, it made me feel dizzy.
Eric Kohn -
10 Things I Learned This Week
1. “Avatar” Trailer Ain’t All That I skipped the 15-minute 3D preview because I’d rather get my “Avatar” fix in one sitting in December. My compromise was watching the teaser trailer. On first view, it’s impressive. But second-time around, the irreverent mind turns ever so slightly to, well, jokes. — Where does Sam Worthington’s breathing…
Michael Adams -
We Don’t Need a $200M ‘Avatar’
They’ve finally released the teaser trailer for James Cameron’s Avatar, and I’m torn. On one hand it looks great. Even on my lousy computer the scenes of the alien world are stunning. From the looks of things, Cameron hasn’t lost his touch for directing hellacious action scenes. But on the other hand this…
Michael Lee -
‘Avatar’: Here it Comes
More visual splendor from the upcoming James Cameron movie.
Trailer Addict -
3D Films Coming to a Theater Near You
Animation and live-action titles both make their presence known before the year ends.
Wrap Staff -
Comic-Con: An IMAX, 3D Worldwide ‘Avatar Day’
After all the secrecy, Cameron goes public to the extreme.
Amy Kaufman -
‘Avatar Day’: a Worldwide 3D, IMAX Preview (Video)
Get ready for “Avatar Day.” Having kept his 3D sci-fi adventure under wraps for so long, James Cameron is going public in a unprecedently big way. On Aug. 21, Fox will take over as many 3D and IMAX theaters as possible worldwide to show 15 free minutes of the long-awaited film. The director announced the…
Amy Kaufman -
TheWrap’s Top 5 Comic-Con Must-Do’s
From ‘Avatar’ to vampires at the Cannes of San Diego, which starts Thursday.
Dominic Patten -
TheWrap Picks the Oscar Contenders
It’s never too early to figure out who’ll be battling for the big award.
Michael Speier -
Jim Cameron: ‘Avatar’ Will Change Moviegoing
“3D is not like sound, but color. Color films were tentpole experiences, and then supplanted black and white.”
Lucas Shaw -
Fox Debunks ‘Avatar’ Trailer Rumors
Studio squelches rumors that it will premiere before “Transformers 2.”
Michael Speier -
James Cameron’s ‘Avatar’ Trailer — Not!
We got duped. We put this up Monday thinking it was the real thing … but no.
Wrap Staff -
3D Conversion: The Gauntlet Has Been Dropped
What if you had a leading expert in 2D-to-3D conversion technology go toe-to-toe with an expert in shooting movies in native 3D (dual cameras)? Which do you think would come out on top as the 3D platform of choice? I witnessed an interesting evolution on a comment thread from my 3D movie site. My…
Jim Dorey -
Dust Off Your 3D Glasses …
“A Christmas Carol”Opens: November 6DisneyRobert Zemekis presents the classic the way Dickens’ always intended it to be seen: in animated 3D starring Jim Carrey, Gary Oldman and Robin Wright Penn. “Avatar”Opens: December 18DreamWorks AnimationJames Cameron’s long awaited sci-fi epic about a band of humans battling aliens on a distant planet. Michelle Rodriguez, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney…
Wrap Staff -
3-D: Risky Bet for Hollywood?
The initiative to boost 3-D could prove to be the movie industry’s latest misstep, says the New York Times.
Wrap Staff