• Guns N’ Idols

    With only four contestants remaining, the mob has clearly gotten involved, trying unsuccessfully to whack one of our stars by way of an exploding “American Idol” set! (There is a lot of dirty money to be made in those “Idol” office pools, ya’ll!) Slash was the guest mentor for Rock Week. Wow. I haven’t heard…

  • Role Models? Depends on Where You Look!

    Just when you think it’s safe to love a celebrity — even a Disney one — they go and break your heart with news they’re headed to jail or rehab. It’s no wonder parents in this town are a little nervous about naming a Tinseltown role model for their kids.   My top choice right…

  • Uh-oh … Someone’s Not a Shoo-in!

    Wow. On "It Don’t Mean a Thing," the Idols actually seemed to be singing live, a testament to their collective talent! Kris Allen, we’ve all bought into the idea that you’re the "cute one." How about dressing up a little next time? After the group number, we were all treated to an inexplicable food fight…

  • The Soloist Meets the Rat Pack

    So it was Rat Pack Night! Yes! Finally a theme I can get behind! I was fired up for Michael Buble, the obvious choice for mentor. Then in walks … Jamie Foxx. What? Was this another example of the producers’ “let’s make Quentin Tarantino a singing mentor” logic? Perhaps it was a PR stunt to…

  • Two More Bite the Dust

    “Idol” failed to deliver on a singing mentor this week, but we did get a dance mentor. That’s right, Paula brought it! Sometimes when she spouts metaphors about moths and melons, it leaves us shaking our heads, wondering what’s really in her Coca-Cola cup. But there’s no denying the woman is  talented — if not…

  • Who’s Stayin’ Alive?

    Ryan didn’t bother too much with the BS this week, no doubt due to the time issues that have been plaguing the show. They didn’t even have time to feature a mentor for the Donna Summer — oops, I mean “disco” themed show. I guess Ms. Summer doesn’t have anything to promote. Instead of boring…

  • At Last, One Gets the ‘Save’

    “The Judges’ Save is still in play,” says Ryan. But only for the next two weeks. Foreshadowing, anyone?  We are truly down to the real professionals at this point. I mean, they weren’t even lip syncing ‘She’s a Maniac!” I guess when you earn your way into the Top 7, the producers trust that you…

  • Fire the Timekeeper!

    You know, for a show whose producers are obviously worried about time issues, they sure did let Seacrest drone on and on, coming up with adjectives for the judges’ personalities. Then Seacrest and Simon went back and forth, explaining that because of said time issues, only two judges would critique each contestant, which meant only…

  • Guess Who’s Finally ‘Passed Off’!

    Oddly, no mention at all Wednesday night of the overtime glitch that left DVR viewers out in the cold for Glambert’s performance. But they did seem to have time for Seacrest to yet again make fun of Simon’s age. Isn’t that joke getting old? Apparently Frankie Avalon’s “Venus” was on the top of the charts…

  • In Case You Missed Glambert on ‘Idol’ …

    “American Idol” ran longer than its scheduled time Tuesday night, cutting off Adam Lambert’s entire performance; here’s what you didn’t see

  • Time Runs Out for Glambert

    Could Tivo put Glambert in the Bottom Three? More on that later, but first … we have to look at some baby pictures. Really. Ryan showed tot shots of the judges and then announced that the theme was “songs from the year they were born.” Or was it “Who Am I?” Week? While Adam Lambert…

  • America Gets It Right (Caw!)

    After the obligatory chitchat with the judges and a contractual Ford music video, Seacrest mentions that since the theme was “popular music,” the Idols were going to sing — what else? — “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey because, apparently, it is one of the most “popular” downloads on iTunes.  That. Is. So. weird. The same…

  • iTunes (Plug! Plug!) Does In the Idols

    Tuesday night was the night America had been waiting for. That’s right, the show has gone from an overindulgent 120 minutes to a more manageable 85. Whew! My pop culture calories were getting out of control! Ryan informed us that the theme was “most popular downloads,” which meant that they could sing “any song they…

  • America No Longer Voting Blindly

    Thank goodness there were still enough ladies left in the group to do a Supremes number for Motown Week. We almost had enough guys to do a Temptations AND a Four Tops homage simultaneously! After all the recent lip-syncing controversy (see previous blog), one would think that the producers would clean up their act and…

  • ‘Idol’ Lip Syncing Should Come as No Surprise

    Is is really that big of a surprise to anyone that the group numbers on "Idol" are prerecorded? The thought never crossed my mind until last week, when the wannabes were racing all around the stage — They’re downstage! Stage left! Back to centerstage! — with perfect vocals and no hint of breathlessness. It’s true,…