SundanceNOW, an online destination for independent film watchers, has launched the “Doc Club,” a subscriber-based video-on-demand program for documentaries that will be curated by Thom Powers.
Powers, documentary programmer for the Toronto International Film Festival among his many other doc-related gigs, will select a new group of titles each month.
Subscribers will receive six to ten new titles each month at a cost of $3.99 (or $19.99 for the full year).
“I hope that the establishment of 'Doc Club' means that audiences across the country who are hungrier than ever for documentary films can now share my passion for these great films,” Powers said in a statement.
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Powers and the team at SundanceNow, the digital sister to Sundance Selects, have scoured the libraries of IFC, Icarus Films and others looking for both famous and unfamiliar documentary masterpieces.
Subscribers will be able to both stream and download the films, and can access the archives from past months as well.
The program will begin with a focus on Errol Morris, offering films like “Gates of Heaven” and “The Thin Blue Line.” Other titles that will soon debut include “Bill Cunningham,” “Last Train Home” and “Wordplay.”
"This past year has been an incredible one for Sundance Selects especially with our documentary films. Audiences across the country and beyond have proven that documentaries are alive and well," Jonathan Sehring, president of Sundance Selects, said in a statement.
"With Thom's curated selections of beloved titles and hard-to-find gems, and his fascinating commentaries, lovers of documentaries will have a terrific new destination to explore."