Netflix has acquired worldwide rights to “Hot Girls Wanted,” a documentary about young girls and amateur porn that premiered at this year’s Sundance Film Festival, the steaming service said Sunday.
“Hot Girls Wanted” was directed by Jill Bauer and Ronna Gradus and produced by Rashida Jones, Bauer, Gradus and Brittany Huckabee, who is also the writer and editor.
It premiered in the US Documentary Competition at Sundance and Netflix said Sunday that it would be available later this year.
“I am so proud of this movie. ‘Hot Girls’ Wanted manages to tell a very intimate story within the ubiquitous, multibillion dollar and thriving porn industry, a story that will resonate with audiences across the country,” said producer Jones. “Netflix is the ideal partner for us; not only do they understand this film but they’re the perfect platform to reach the many people who need to see it,”
Erik Barmack, vice-president of global independent content at Netflix, said the film exposed a shocking world of hope and heartbreak.
“The filmmakers gained unprecedented access into a world never documented until now, and we are proud to bring their unflinching work to a global audience,” he said.