With a name that end
Here’s how it worked: Each of the five wrote down one weird fact about himself or herself, and the other four had to spray Silly String on whichever actor they thought the index card belonged to.
The lone girl of the gang had the best payoff to her fun fact: “I can perfectly rap Nicki Minaj‘s verse from ‘Monster.’”
And she proved it — watch the video above. (Yes, mum, the 12-year-old British actress avoided the curses.)
That wasn’t the only fun moment from the NBC segment. Early on, there was a cute story about Matarazzo crying in front of his third grade class after being startled by a firm alarm.
Later, Fallon took a moment to goof on Wolfhard: “Can you read?”
The younger man got the last laugh, however, firing back, “Can I read? Can you host?”
At one point, the children just ganged up on Fallon and sprayed him silly. That was inevitable.
“Stranger Things” was renewed by Netflix for a second season yesterday. Check out Season 1 on the streaming platform now.