Stephenie Meyer’s ‘The Host’ Trailer Has Its Eyes on You (Video)

Adaptation of "Twilight" authoress Stephenie Meyer's "The Host" offers a spooky sneak peek

Fear not, Stephenie Meyer fans — the November release of "Breaking Dawn — Part 2" won't mark the end of your favorite authoress' influence on the big screen.

"The Host," the big-screen adaptation of Meyer's novel of the same name, won't hit screens until next March, but a new trailer for the film gives an idea of what's to come.

The movie, which stars Saoirse Ronan, Diane Kruger, Jake Abel and William Hurt, chronicles a group of alien invaders who begin to capture the human race. Judging from the trailer, they do so by imbuing their captors with freakishly glowing eyes that scare the other humans into submission.

Check out the trailer below.
