Stephen King put his literary skills on display for election day Tuesday, urging his Twitter followers to vote blue, comparing Trump to a runaway horse that needed to be reined in.
“Donald Trump is a runaway horse, and we’re all on board. Vote Democratic tomorrow. Let’s put a bit in his mouth and rein him in,” said King.
“Trump has successfully channeled America’s id: the hatred, the prejudice, the dishonesty, the willing ignorance and turning away from facts,” he continued. “Most of all, the fear. Turn away from these things. #VoteBlue. Be courageous.”
Donld Trump is a runaway horse, and we’re all on board. Vote Democratic tomorrow. Let’s put a bit in his mouth and rein him in.#VoteBlue
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) November 5, 2018
Last tweet on politics for awhile. Trump has successfully channeled America's id: the hatred, the prejudice, the dishonesty, the willing ignorance and turning away from facts. Most of all, the fear. Turn away from these things. #VoteBlue. Be courageous.
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) November 6, 2018
King, who spent most of his career known for horror writing, has taken on a second act in recent years as a viral Twitter liberal, with scorching tweets about President Trump and Republicans in general who displease him.
Earlier this week, he called on his fans in Iowa to vote out Rep. Steve King, who he called a “racist dumbbell.”
“Iowans, for personal reasons I hope you’ll vote Steve King out. I’m tired of being confused with this racist dumbbell,” said King.
Iowans, for personal reasons I hope you’ll vote Steve King out. I’m tired of being confused with this racist dumbbell.
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) November 4, 2018
During the Brett Kavanaugh sexual misconduct hearings, King said the judge (now Justice) reminded him of an alcoholic. King himself has struggled with substance abuse in the past.
“Brett Kavanaugh’s angry performance corresponds closely to what people in AA call a ‘dry drunk,’” he said.
Brett Kavanaugh's angry performance corresponds closely to what people in AA call a "dry drunk."
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) September 30, 2018
With voters going to the polls Tuesday it remains starkly unclear what may happen. Conventional wisdom holds that Republicans will hold the Senate while Democrats are favored to retake the House of Representatives. Unlike most U.S. president’s, Trump has aggressively hit the stump on behalf of Republicans and has tied his presidency aggressively to their success.
Trump cleared his schedule Tuesday to monitor the returns.