Stephen Hawking Honored by Strip-Club Owner With Botched Tribute (Photo)

Stringfellows proprietor shares his favorite photo with “Professor Steve Harking”

Physicist Stephen Hawking Lectures At UC Berkeley
Getty Images

Stephen Hawking is gone, but he’s not forgotten. And neither is that Steve Harking fellow.

Peter Stringfellow, owner of London strip club Stringfellows, sought to pay tribute to Hawking, who died Wednesday morning at age 76, sharing a photo of himself with Hawking at his venue.

Unfortunately, the honor was tainted by a little bit of sloppiness on Stringfellow’s part.

“Here is my most favourite photo of Professor Steve Harking having dinner with me in my club Stringfellows ( 2003 ish) my all time favourite celebrity!!” Stringfellow tweeted. “A really inspirational man ..Thank you Professor I will see you in the Cosmos one day as like you I believe we are Stardust.”

The botched identification of the wheelchair-bound science legend was not lost on commenters, who offered replies such as, “I always loved Steve Harkings great book – A Brisk History of Time . A real classic.”

Stringfellow subsequently set things straight, blaming the situation on his dyslexia.

“I’ve told you all before that I’m dyslexic and so cock up occasionally when my speller lets me down !! Now RT that if you want !! ..Peter,” Stringfellow wrote.

The venue has made its efforts to play up its association with Hawking. The Stringfellows website features a page containing a photo of the scientist surrounded by women — and yes, that particular tribute nails his name.

“The most intelligent man in the Universe Professor Stephen Hawking with some of the most beautiful dancers in the UK,” the page reads.
