Colbert Says Trump ‘Can’t Even Say the Word Russia Without Climaxing’ After Speech Flubs | Video

The multiply indicted ex-president’s “brain is broke,” the “Late Show” host jokes

Stephen Colbert’s Monday monologue was devoted entirely to Donald Trump, which makes sense as the disgraced former president has made a lot of news recently.

And while Colbert did talk about the Supreme Court ruling that Trump has not been disqualified from state presidential ballots, he spent more time discussing the increasingly apparent mental decline Trump has exhibited in public appearances.

After showing his audience a clip in which Trump said, “We’re a nation that just recently heard that Saudi Arabia and Russia will re-feh-ur ah [sic]” — to be clear, this is phonetically what Trump said during a recent rally in North Carolina — Colbert had a quick reply.

“Not entirely sure what’s going on there. But apparently he can’t even say the word Russia without climaxing,” Colbert said before imitating Trump doing just that.

Then Colbert teed up a clip in which Trump, at the same speech, said, “Can we be energy independent? Can we be energy dominant again? Oh, yes. Oh yes and quickly, says President Trump. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. And quickly.”

“Is he giving his speech or reading a book to toddlers?” Colbert asked. “‘Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Said President Trump with golden hair and a mushy rump. All the words that I can manage because of all of my brain damage.”

Next, Colbert rolled another clip in which Trump said, “In Venezuela. The you ge cee [sic] Maduro. Venezuera, uh, uh, unbelievable [sic].” Again, this is a verbatim transcript of what he said.

“Yes, the nation of Venezuereunbelievable, located just north of Whereaguay and Perwho?” Colbert quipped, before adding, “Trump’s speeches weren’t all demented word slurry. He also did the completely normal thing of describing a graph that no one can see.”

At this, he rolled a clip of Trump saying, “Within two years, we were so far above Saudi Arabia and Russia, which were number one and two. You have to see the chart.”

“They’re like this. And we’re like,” Trump continued before making a low pitched “deee,” and a high pitched “boop.”

“Oh, I know that one,” Colbert said, using the two notes Trump struck as the beginning of the “Star Wars” fanfare.

After this, Colbert ran down a few more weird occurrences at recent Trump rallies, and then closed with a discussion of the rampant drug abuse at the White House during his presidency that has recently been exposed.

Watch the full monologue in the video above.
