Stephen Colbert Hijacks Major Garrett’s Interview of Mike Pence (Video)

“Late Show” version acknowledges Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign will rely heavily on “balls-out racism”

Stephen Colbert can’t get Mike Pence to sit with him on “The Late Show,” so the CBS personality inserted himself into Major Garrett’s recent “Face the Nation” interview with the vice president of the United States of America.

On Monday’s cleverly edited “Face the Stephen” segment, Colbert got Pence to agree that President Donald Trump operates “by doing bad things and claiming he did a good thing.”

Of course, this whole thing was faked.

Moments later in the cold open, Pence ponders how the current administration could even hold a rally without racist chants. Feels impossible.

Here’s how the faux conversation ended:

Colbert: “Sir, final question about the 2020 race: Will President Trump be reelected?”

Pence: “We’re gonna get there by any means necessary.”

Colbert: “Does that include just balls-out racism?”

Pence: “That’s 100% correct.”

Watch the video above.
