Stephen Colbert and Jack White: A Bromance in Six Parts (Video)

The former White Stripes frontman becomes the latest conquest of the “Colbert Report” host

Ah, young love.

It has been highly entertaining watching eternally juvenile Stephen Colbert pitch woo and play man cougar (mougar?) to rock star Jack White these past few nights on "The Colbert Report."

On Thursday, in White's third consecutive appearance on the Comedy Central program during a music-themed week, their he-said/he-said relationship was finally consummated on air — artistically, that is.

Colbert's infatuation with the former White Stripes musician was no mere man-crush.

The obsession began Tuesday, when Colbert announced his intentions to revive his (fictional) singing career. Back in 2006, "The Colbert Report" aired a video for "Charlene (I'm Right Behind You)," a track by his (fictional) 1980s New Wave group, Stephen and the Colberts. To make the magic happen again, Colbert said he would need the help of "a superstar producer."

Enter Jack White.

In part one Tuesday, Colbert batted eyes with the former White Stripes icon as they discussed yogurt and Bob Seger.

Then, in part two on Wednesday, Colbert turned on the charm, assaulting White with probing questions about his musical heroes and urging him say the words "Stephen Colbert." 

Things got really heated in footage that wound up on the cutting-room floor, when they sparred about who knew their Catholic trivia better.

The deal was sealed Thursday when White finally relented and helped produce a new single with Colbert — a sequel song called "Charlene II (I'm Over You)," composed with the help of the all-female backing band the Black Belles.

"It was very pleasurable from start to finish," said White, ostensibly speaking about the single he'd be releasing through his label but hinting at a deeper meaning. "Especially the finish." Stephen Colbert never looked happier.

And then Stephen Colbert put the cherry on top of his brief dalliance with Jack White by serenading him with their artistic fruit. Look for Colbert to start work soon on his follow-up track: "Jack (I'm Right Behind You)."
