Stephen Colbert Mocks GOP’s No-Evidence Impeachment Inquiry: ‘That’s Kind of Step 1’ | Video

The CBS host called Wednesday night “a historic evening”

Stephen Colbert told his audience they were in for “a historic evening” on Wednesday night.

“As of this taping right now House Republicans have voted to approve an impeachment inquiry into President Biden even though they admit there is no evidence to impeach him,” Colbert said during his opening monologue. “Guys, c’mon. That’s kind of Step 1.”

The late night host then played a clip of Republican Rep. Guy Reschenthaler stumbling to explain the “specific constitutional crime” Biden had committed. The Pennsylvania congressman was repeatedly asked “what high crime and misdemeanor” he was investigating. “Look, once I get time I will explain what we are looking at,” Reschenthaler said on Wednesday.

“Wow. That has the real vibe of a kid who did not prepare for the class presentation,” Colbert quipped. “‘Uh, the book was not just about mice but it also had men.’”

Colbert also took shots at Republican Rep. Pat Fallon for likening the inquiry to Watergate.

“Right, Watergate started with a burglary, and it took them 26 months to find out it went all the way to Richard Nixon,” Colbert said. “This started with you not liking Joe Biden and you spending a year not finding a crime he committed. It’s just like an episode of ‘Law and Order.’”

The CBS host then played a parody of the opening for the Dick Wolf drama. The segment started with the typical “In the criminal justice system” before adding “sometimes you want someone to have done something bad even though they probably didn’t, so you spend many months and millions of taxpayer dollars on an investigation but the best you come up with are his son’s penis pics.”

Colbert closed out the segment by mocking Texas Rep. Troy Nehls for saying that he wanted to impeach Biden to give Donald Trump “a little bit of ammo to fire back.”

“Brilliant plan. You’ve got to level the playing field,” Colbert said. “Now they just have to get Biden spanked by a porn star, have his followers attack the capitol and worst of all make him dance like this” before playing a clip of Trump dancing.

Watch the full segment at the top of this post.
