Stephen Colbert Presents Trump Ad ‘Paid For by Whoever Owns Nikki Haley’ | Video

The late-night host won’t let her forget what she said about her former Republican primary rival

Thursday night’s “Late Show with Stephen Colbert” opened with an NBC News story on the fact that former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley has said that she will be voting for Donald Trump in the 2024 election. This was followed by a faux ad, which began, “The following ad has been paid for by whoever owns Nikki Haley.”

The video juxtaposed Haley telling a crowd that she plans to vote for Trump this fall with clips where Haley was… less enthusiastic about her former opponent.

Haley is a Republican, so her choice in this year’s election isn’t altogether unexpected — except for the fact that she spent the Republican primary this year seemingly growing increasingly incensed by her rival, the former president.

The footage begins with Haley at the Hudson Institute, where Haley explained her support for former President Trump in the 2024 general election. She begins, “As a voter, I put my priorities on a president who’s –” at which point it cuts to another Haley clip talking Trump, finishing her sentence, “– not qualified to be the president of the United States.”

Hudson Haley continued to be blended together with Campaign Haley, leading to the following statements:

  • “A president who was trying to buddy up with Putin. Every time he was in the same room with him, he got weak in the knees.”
  • “A president who was confused when he said that Biden was going to run us into World War II.”
  • “Trump has gotten more unstable and unhinged. Thin-skinned and easily distracted. Chaos follows him. He’s never known how to sacrifice, and the most harm he’s ever possibly had is getting hit by a golf ball when he’s sitting in a golf court. That’s the truth.”

The ad concludes with a tweaked version of the “I’m so-and-so, and I endorse this message” verbiage. Instead, we see the defeated Republican declare in three mashed-together clips, “I’m Nikki Haley, and I will be voting for a convicted criminal.”

You can watch the whole ersatz Nikki Haley campaign ad for Donald Trump in the video at the top of this story.
