Stephen Colbert Is Not a Fan of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah’s Same-Day Premiere

And has an unfortunate accident with a permanent marker

For the first time since 1888, Thanksgiving and Hanukkah fall on the same day, and Stephen Colbert is not pleased.

A big fan of Thanksgiving (he’s one-upping his gravy boat with a “gravy kayak” this year), he called out Hanukkah for trying to steal the holiday’s thunder. He’s more accustomed to Hanukkah falling around Christmastime, allowing him to pointedly wish people a “merry Christmas” rather than the more politically correct and inclusive “happy holidays.”

“Channukah, I’ve chad it up to chere with your chock-blocking our holidays,” Colbert said.

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Worst yet, Colbert said, we’ll all be drawing hand menorahs instead of hand turkeys, and hand menorahs are impossible.

To demonstrate this, Colbert tried to draw a hand menorah, holding the marker in his mouth.

Ultimately, he wound up with permanent marker all over his fingers and his upper lip.

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“Oh great. Now it’s on my f–king face!” Colbert said, noting that he’d accidentally given himself a Hitler-esque mustache at a particularly unfortunate time.

“That is bad form. That is really, really not good,” Colbert said, breaking character as he hastily attempted to wipe the marker off.

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