Stars Slammed for Silence on Orlando Shooting

“Why is it OK to tweet something about National Yoga Day but not about this?” prominent gay activist tells TheWrap

Hollywood Celebrities Slammed for Staying Quiet on Orlando Shooting
Graphic: Eric Hernandez

Some gay activists feel slighted by stars who offered their love and support on Twitter after mass killings in Sandy Hook, San Bernardino, Paris and Brussels — but not after the Orlando shooting.

“Silence speaks volumes,” gay advocate Danielle Moodie-Mills, who consulted for GLAAD, told TheWrap. “Why is it OK to tweet something about National Yoga Day but not about this?”

Blogger Perez Hilton named names, calling out celebrities like Taylor Swift, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj and Drake — none of whom responded fast enough, he says. The issue is whether stars were less demonstrative with their support because the victims were LGBT.

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