1. “Who are you?” This is our first glimpse is of Rey (Daisy Ridley) dressed in heavy-duty sand planet gear, fitted with repurposed lenses from a Stormtrooper helmet. The Force is strong with this one!

2. Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) is the ultimate fanboy — he styles his look after the Dark Lord of the Sith and keeps Darth Vader’s charred helmet on a plinth. Ren is clearly in hero-worshipping mode.

3. “I’ve got nothing to fight for,” says Finn (John Boyega), which should put to rest any theories he’s not a real Stormtrooper. The trailer paints him as a soldier of the New Order who no longer believes in the cause.

4. An epic battle over a lush green planet with temple ruins lead some fans to have a new hope for a return to Yavin 4, the location of the first Rebel Base from the original film. (P.S. pay attention to Finn’s jacket; it’s important later.)

5. We finally see our first glimpse of Leia Organa Solo (Carrie Fisher), being consoled by her husband, Han (Harrison Ford). Is Luke’s mysterious absence from the film’s promotional materials the reason she’s sad?

6. The closest lead we have on the whereabouts of Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) is this shot of a robotic hand resting on R2-D2. Other than that, your guess is as good as ours.

7. Many believe that the mysterious voice bookending the trailer (“Just let it in”) belongs to Maz Kanata (Lupita Nyong’o), who was possibly featured on the film’s poster.

8. Originally a skeptic in “hokey religions and ancient weapons,” Han Solo (Harrison Ford) seems to be teaching Rey and Finn about how all the stories about Jedi and The Dark Side are true. (Remember, the jacket is important.)

9. Is Oscar Isaac’s Poe Dameron under mind control? Bear with us as we piece together the evidence for our first crazy theory.

An earlier teaser showed Resistance fighter pilot Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) sporting a familiar worn jacket.

Comic-Con footage let us view a shot of a captured Poe being led by a Stormtrooper to an uncertain fate. Could that possibly be Finn holding Poe at blaster point?

In the new trailer, Ren subjects Poe to a new kind of Force torture (not a Force choke as some fans think, as that particular move makes it impossible to do anything other than gag).

Finn later crashes down on a desert planet, now in possession of Poe’s jacket which he seems to wear through the rest of the film.

When Poe encounters Finn again, he doesn’t seem to recognize his jacket. In fact, the look on his face seems menacing. Finn, meanwhile, seems to know something’s up. Is the Force telling him something?