‘Star Wars’: Did Adam Driver Just Drop a Huge Spoiler About Rey’s Identity?

Kylo Ren actor lets slip loaded descriptor of Daisy Ridley’s mysterious character

Adam Driver Force Awakens

One of the biggest mysteries in the current “Star Wars” saga revolves around Rey’s origins. And in a new interview, Kylo Ren actor Adam Driver might have accidentally spilled a huge spoiler about Daisy Ridley’s enigmatic character.

(Serious warning to “Star Wars” fanatics: Do not read on if you are at all concerned about “The Last Jedi” spoilers.)

Driver spoke about the evolution of Kylo Ren with GQ, and how it relates to Rey, revealing an interesting tidbit about her: “I remember the initial conversations about having things ‘skinned,’ peeling away layers to evolve into other people, and the person Kylo’s pretending to be on the outside is not who he is. He’s a vulnerable kid who doesn’t know where to put his energy, but when he puts his mask on, suddenly, he’s playing a role. J.J. [Abrams] had that idea initially and I think [‘Last Jedi’ director] Rian [Johnson] took it to the next level.”

Then Driver dropped the money quote — you know, the one he might be explaining to Lucasfilm at this very moment: “You have, also, the hidden identity of this princess who’s hiding who she really is so she can survive and Kylo Ren and her hiding behind these artifices.”

Yup, he used the “p” word in reference to Rey. You know, like the Leia variety.

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Johnson has previously confirmed that the identity of Rey’s parents will be revealed when “The Last Jedi” hits theaters on Dec. 15.

In the meantime, Driver should be hearing from Disney Ip Enforcement division.
